Your mortgage gaurdian & strategic money planner!
If you're looking for mortgage financing, you've come to the right place. Let me help you find the best mortgage to meet your needs.
Tiphereth Straker

Message from the Owner
Tiphereth Straker
👋🏾 My friends and family called me Tipper, my kids call me "Mommy" but sometimes they just say “snack!” 😁
I’m in this industry because I know how hard it can be when a mortgage is the only thing a family worries about. I what to be the family friend that you can trust to help you out and help you be strategic when it comes to your mortgage and financial resilience.
So, if your ready to work with a mortgage agent who will truly support and protect you in this world of mortgage financing and real estate wealth then go ahead and reach out 💜

Serving Clients across
Contact Me
Tiphereth Straker
Mortgage Agent Level 2

FSRA: 13463
BCFSA: X301291
RECA: BRX Mortgage Inc.
FCAA: 512114
NSID: #2023-3000563
FCNB: 230043033
QC: 608634
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